Camper and volunteer applications for summer 2024 are open! Applications close on June 1. Please email [email protected] with any questions.
Campers Circle Camps is a free one week summer camp and leadership program for girls who have experienced the death of a parent. It's like regular summer camp, but with something extra special! Grief activities and traditional summer camp activities like canoeing, kickball, tennis, swimming, and horseback riding are interwoven to provide a space where grieving campers feel safe and supported. Our clinical team is always available to our campers and help them navigate their feelings through journaling, talking about their loss, and artistic expression. If Circle Camps sound like it could be a good fit for your family, we invite you to fill out an application by clicking on "Camper Application" below.
Volunteers To be a Circle Camps volunteer is to love being around children, be outside, connect with peers and an amazing community, and experiece a life-changing week of summer. Our volunteers come from all over the United States and all have one thing in common - they are passionate about supporting grieving children and teens. Volunteers participate in all activities, and there are plenty of opportunities to lead an activity. If you are interested in being a camp nurse, a bunk counselor, a lifeguard, part of our clinical team, or an NBC (non bunk counselor), we encourage you to fill out an application! We promise you - it will be one of the best weeks of your life!